About us
We deliver the best rigs across globe over 4 decades
About us
We deliver the best rigs across globe over 4 decades

SEKO BEC Celebrating 42 Years of Excellence
We are owning five SEKO BEC made water well rigs. All the SEKO BEC rigs have good built quality, excellent reputation for productivity and low operating cost. I would not hesitate in recommending SEKO BEC to new buyers.
We are highly satisfied with the two SEKO BEC drilling rigs that we own. They are highly dependable, easy to operate and maintain. Easy availability of spare parts and prompt service put together makes very attractive for rig owners.
We have three rigs of SEKO BEC make, simple and easy to use and high reliability make them drill rig of choice for drilling contractors.
SEKO BEC water well and exploration rigs have good built quality and the best layout of the aggregates. In all, I have taken three rigs and the performance of all the three rigs has exceeded my expectations. In fact, I have drills of other make too, but the performance of SEKO BEC is far superior and for my future requirements I would definitely opt for rigs from SEKO BEC.
We are using four of SEKO BEC truck mounted water well drill rigs. We have been using them for the past 5 years and even though they have been used extensively over the years with very high the degree of availability and utilization they still give excellent performance.
Our additional requirement of two more rigs is also placed on SEKO BEC. Delivery of the same expected by mid-December 2017.
We take this opportunity to wish SEKO BEC the very best.

Let's get in touch
SEKO BEC Pvt. Ltd.,
Plot No. 203/7, Sector – III,
Lane – 30, IDA, Phase – II,
HYDERABAD – 500 051.